No Indonesia English 1 alis eyebrow; the line of hair above a person's eye 2 amandel tonsils; the two small fleshy organs at the rear of a person's tongue 3 anatomi anatomy; the science and study of body structure 4 arteri artery; a large blood vessel that carries blood from the heart 5 aurat a private part of the body not to be exposed in public; sexual organ 6 badan hull; body; torso; trunk; figure 7 badani bodily; physical; corporal; carnal; material 8 bahu shoulder 9 batang leher neck 10 batang zakar penis; male sex organ 11 betis the calf of a leg; the hind part of a human leg below the knee 12 bibir lip; edge; hem 13 bibir atas upper lip 14 bibir bawah lower lip 15 biji mata eyeball; pupil 16 biseps biceps; a double-headed muscle; a muscle of the upper arm 17 bokong buttocks; butt; posterior; rump; fanny; buns 18 botak bald; bald headed; hairless; without hair on the top of the head 19 buah pelir testicles 20 cuping telinga earlobe; the flesh at the bottom of a person's ear 21 dada chest; breast; bosom; bust 22 dagu chin; the lower front part of a person's jaw 23 dahi forehead; brow 24 darah blood 25 dubur anus; the lower opening of the bowel where feces is

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1aliseyebrow; the line of hair above a person's eye

2amandeltonsils; the two small fleshy organs at the rear of a person's tongue

3anatomianatomy; the science and study of body structure

4arteriartery; a large blood vessel that carries blood from the heart

5aurata private part of the body not to be exposed in public; sexual organ

6badanhull; body; torso; trunk; figure

7badanibodily; physical; corporal; carnal; material


9batang leherneck

10batang zakarpenis; male sex organ

11betisthe calf of a leg; the hind part of a human leg below the knee

12bibirlip; edge; hem

13bibir atasupper lip

14bibir bawahlower lip

15biji mataeyeball; pupil

16bisepsbiceps; a double-headed muscle; a muscle of the upper arm

17bokongbuttocks; butt; posterior; rump; fanny; buns

18botakbald; bald headed; hairless; without hair on the top of the head

19buah pelirtesticles

20cuping telingaearlobe; the flesh at the bottom of a person's ear

21dadachest; breast; bosom; bust

22daguchin; the lower front part of a person's jaw

23dahiforehead; brow


25duburanus; the lower opening of the bowel where feces is excreted

26esofagusesophagus; gullet

27gigitooth; an object similar to a tooth

28ginjalkidney; a human organ that excretes urine

29hatiheart; liver; emotional center; inner self


31jakunAdams apple

32janggutbeard; chin hair; chin

33jarifinger; toe; a shape like a finger

34jari kakitoe

35jari kelingkinglittle finger

36jari manisring finger

37jari tanganfinger

38jari telunjukindex finger; forefinger

39jari tengahmiddle finger

40jasmaniphysique; body

41jempolthumb; big toe

42kakifoot; lower leg; lower part; foundation

43kandung kemihurinary bladder; a body organ that stores urine

44kelenjara gland; a body organ that secretes fluids

45kelopak mataeyelid; the layer of skin above the eye

46kemaluangenitals; the external reproductive sexual organs

47keningeyebrow; brow; forehead

48kepalahead; headman; chief

49kerongkonganthroat; gullet; wind pipe

50ketiakarmpit; the hollow area under the arm at the shoulder

51korneacornea; a membrane covering the front of an eyeball

52kukufingernail; toenail; claw; hoof; nail

53kuku kakitoenail

54kuku tanganfingernail

55kulit kepalascalp; the skin on the top of the head

56kumismoustache; hair growth on a man's upper lip


58leherneck; throat area

59lenganarm; sleeve

60lidahtongue; an object shaped like a tongue



63mukaface; front; surface; surface level

64mulutmouth; aperture; an opening similar to a mouth

65otakbrain; mind; intellect

66ototmuscle; sinew; tendon

67pahathigh; the part of a leg above the knee

68pankreaspancreas; a body organ near the stomach that secretes juices

69pantatbuttocks; butt; buns; posterior; rump; fanny

70paru-parulungs; body organs used for breathing

71payudarabreast; bosom; bust

72pelipistemple area (side of the head)

73pelupuk mataeyelid; the skin covering the front of the eyeball

74pembuluh darahblood vessel; blood vein

75pembuluh nadiartery; a blood vessel that carries blood from the heart

76pergelangan kakiankle

77perutstomach; belly; gut; tummy

78pinggangwaist; loin; mid-section of the torso

79pinggulhip; seat; rear end; haunches

80pipicheek; the fleshy side of a person's mouth

81pita suaravocal cords

82punggunga back; a part that is behind

83puting susunipple of a female breast

84rahangjaw; jawbone; the bone where teeth are embedded

85rahimwomb; uterus


87rangka manusiahuman skeleton

88retinaretina; the membrane at the back of the eyeball that senses light images

89sarafnerve; nerve fiber

90sel darahblood cell; corpuscle

91selangkangangroin; crotch area


93tanganhand; forearm; wrist

94telapak kakisole of the foot or shoe

95telapak tanganpalm of the hand


97tenggorokthroat; larynx

98testistesticle; gonad

99tubuhbody; the physical body; torso


101tulang rusukrib; rib bone; roof rafter

102tumita heel; the lower back part of a foot

103uratvein; muscle; sinew; nerve; tendon; fiber

104ususintestines; bowels; entrails

105vaginavagina; a tube connecting the womb to the vulva in females

106zakarpenis; the male sex organ